VISUALS | DESIGNS | STICKERS | VIDEO | INTERVENTIONS on Ecology and Class This is a body of work tracing a journey of trying to understand what happens when Capital (tries to) steal our Ecology. All of the work comes from conversations with people and from reading texts. Some of the work is static (posters, stickers, flyers, vouchers,writings) and some of it takes the form of surveys or inquiries, asking questions (What Lies Between Red and Green?, Carbon Footprint Analysis Matrix). Some of it is designed to be consumed (a recipe nettle beer, video, audio) and some of it is designed to be produced (Mortgage Strike). A selection is available here on this computer, and all of them are available online at www.stuffit.org Produced by Steve Stuffit for the Trapese Collectives: "Experiments against Enclosure - Tools to reclaim the Commons." |
A SURVEY - WHAT LIES BETWEEN THE RED + GREEN?A project looking at the crossovers between ecological and social change, developed after the Trapese pamphlet about Transition Towns. It asks the question 'Is it possible to declare a ceasefire with Capitalism?'>FILL IN QUESTIONAIRE ONLINE. CLIMATE CHANGE: BUSINESS AS USUALConcept: video remix of UK Government's 'Act on CO2' campaign video with Will Barne's text 'Capital Crimes'. To juxtasupose calls to individual austerity with 17 minutes of scrolling histories of capitalistic crimes, designed to both bore and illuminate. Ideal for projecting on buildings or forests in a public setting. |
CARBON ANALYSIS FOOTPRINT MATRIX>TAKE THE SURVEY The survey is as simple multiple choice quiz, asking questions of both responsibility and agency, and it wonders what ideologies are hidden with the language of contemporary debate over climate change. It uses a crude analysis designed to reveal these assumptions in our ideas and feelings about climate change. The results suggest what your ideology is and recommends some texts that represent a different view. The survey asks users for name, postcode and email address. The results are then emailed to me. I intend to collate the responses and display them (anonymously) in the gallery during our time here, and strike up a email conversation with users. You will be awareded a points score out of 100 after taking the quiz but a higher score is not an indicator of correct answers. |
YOU CAN'T OFFSET A SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPConcept: Inspired by the text 'You can't blow up a social relationship' by suggesting that trying to solve the ecological crisis by targetting CO2 is much the same as trying to locate Capitalism by blowing up CEOs. View: PDF | JPG | A4 Stickers |
PLAQUE ALE - PRE ENCLOSURE HERB BEER80 pints of KING GONE! and QUEEN GO! brewed for Bristol Radical History GroupDownload KING GONE flyer (including recipe for pre enclosure herb ale, made with locally sourced nettles, yarrow and juniper berries) NETTLE BEER - OR HOW TO BREW A DIFFERENT SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP BASED ON COMMONING RATHER THAN ALIENATIONNew text premiered at Cube Cola Producers Party, written for Eccentric City Newspaper next edition. Download: PDF |
THE SOCIAL ECOLOGY OF CARBONA short A-Z (written for the Journal of Aesthetics of Protest #6) that functions as a tool for further analysis. It traces a molecule of carbon between different ports, over four centuries via social struggles and resistance to the enclosure of common land and resources. It wonders if Capital can profit from Climate Change, and if so what can be done about it. Download: Pamphlet | See images hereWILD FOOD AND THE COMMONSWorking on a new format combining a wild food walk with a short 500 year history of capitalist enclosure and how collecting wild food represents 'commoning' - a way of looking at nature as one of collective and negotiated economic resource for substinence that is 'free' but isn't 'a free for all' (as privatisation propogandists would have you believe). Part of Transition Easton.Download the handout (contains glossary of commoning from Peter Linebaughs 'Magna Carta: Commons and Liberties for all' and wild food plant list) and accompanying text |
CARBON WEEVILS: RETORTConcept:I was forwarded a link to a short cartoon about climate change called 'Carbon Weevils'. I wanted to ask the question is it 'misanthropic' in the way it lumps all 'human' consumptive activity together (as opposed to systems/capital) as being 'the cause' of global warming, the way it appears to suggest the main causes of climate change being population growth, car traffic and holidays. It also novelly posits war as being an outcome of 'hot air' and also as yet another excuse for humans to release CO2.I graffitti subtitled it (using FLOSS Kdenlive) and put it on youtube with the originalClick the above video to View Carbon Weevils retort (graffiti start at 1:24) or view in context here |
THE HYDROCARBON COMMONSConcept: A proposal to create a Hydrocarbon Commons.It is designed to be read in an poetic voice, like a proclamation, and is influenced by 'Warren James' the Freeminer who distributed handbills when struggling against enclosure in the Forest of Dean in 1831. The text starts by asking 'Is the soul of Profit located in coal? or can it be found in the private interests of Capital, for it wants to grow and grow, making money for its owners..' Otherwise who has the agency to Leave it in the Ground? The government won't as coal is too profitable. The corporations won't - ditto. Which is why NUMs proposals are interesting - UK coal (created using deep mining rather than the more horrific open cast) which will also save huge amounts of transport emmissions from shipping coal across the world, burned using decentralised CHP stations (they burn 95% efficiency as opposed to Kingsnorth which is 45%). It is obviously problematic (do people really want to work down mines still? isn't it just delaying a transition to green energy? is Carbon Capture really viable? Download: 2X posters A3 PDF |
GASTRIC-TRADINGThe Carbon Trust looks like a good initiative to help industry reduce its carbon emissions. One of its board members was with Shell oil for 15 years. Part of North Sea oil corporations that been burning gas, 6 million tonnes of CO2 per year - for years - into the atmosphere, as a waste product whilst drilling for oil. They are now campaigning for these emissions to be included in UK Gov Co2 targets, so they can then reduce the amount and then get paid for it through offsetting markets. Luckily Walkers crisps are also working with the Carbon trust, and currently each packet of crisps results in 107g of Carbon dioxide emissions. 6 million tonnes of CO2 is equivalent to 56074766355 bags of crisps. To get this in perspective, the proposed power station at Kingsnorth will release 8.4 million tonnes. Globally flaring is responsible for 400 million tonnes of CO2 - the UK release 150 million per year from all its activities. This sort of criminal waste could only be possible in a profit led economic system. Download: correction labels - single here (jpg) and A4 pack (PDF) | View in action: here and here Stats: North Sea gas flares 2004: 2.4 BCM X 2.5 = 6 Million Tonnes CO2 |
IS IT POSSIBLE TO SHUTDOWN A SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP?Concept: Next poster in the 'social relationship' series. Looking at the possiblities for the expansion of climate change campaigns 'against coal' into 'against commodity production'. Inspired by the Petroleum Commons and Just Transition, and online debates between red and green. The red colour symbolises the enemy (CO2, the police) with the twist being that the policeman in the poster is actually a miner, taken from the classic photo during the 84 strike. The idea is that by linking things together we won't make enemies of workers and substances and can then target systems and economies (social relationships). |
COMMONED FRAMESCustom built frames made with wood 'commoned' from Ashton Court 2008. The collecting of wood or 'estovers' is a practice referred to in the 1217 Forest Charter, a document long forgotten that described the economic rights of people to subsistence from the commons. These customs are attacked, destroying ecologies to impose work and make a profit, a process called the Enclosures. The process continues today..Read label here WHAT IS THE SOUND OF THE WAR ON THE POOR?Submission for Ultra-Red project, brief was to make 1 minute audio piece on the above title. I chose the Severnside Siren over at the heavy industry docks of Avonmouth and the M32 splinter between Easton and St Werburghs in BristolSee text and hear audio here GREEN STINGER CYCOPATH NETTLE BREWNettle brew made in honour of a green and red Mayday, commoned from the Cyclepath in Bristol. 200 nettles,Boil for 1 hour in 5 gallons water. Put in 3kg sugar, 100g cream of tartar.Stir. When lukewarm put in 10 tsp yeast, transfer in big bucket for 4 days, somewhere not cold then into brew barrel for week then bottle and drink couple days later. |
THE ROCKY ROAD TO TRANSITIONIllustrations for the TRAPESE pamphlet critiquing (in a supportive way) the Transition Town movement, asking questions about ecological divides, heirachy and co-option and the historical nature of social change. Well worth a read View Pamphlet |
Behaviour Change + Philosophical Issues:
Corporate Responses:
Resistance and Alternatives:
Suggested reading:John Bellamy Foster: Global Ecology and the Common Good + Ecology against CapitalismTurbulence: 'A New Weather Front' Varient magazine: The Oil Issue Into the Whirlwind: Website and this article especially: The Food/Energy/Work crises The Commoner:Website Bristol Radical History Group: Down with the Fences! Struggle for the Global Commons (this has a huge archive of interesting audio too) Mute magazine: "Its not Easy Being Green" Social Ecology: What is Social Ecology Climate Camp:self-critiques Anarchist Federation: Ecology and Class (PDF) Shift Magazine: Website This and this from the excellent website by Fundamentalist Druid about a real sustainable UK. GegenStandpunkt: Why are many people in developing countries poor? Peak Oil: A User's guide: website Trapese collective: Transition Towns and what it means for social change |