Severnside Sirens Sirens Trust Logo For residents and businesses located in the Severnside area, a warning system exists especially to provide audio warning to areas potentially at risk from hazardous chemical spillages or other related incidents. The areas covered by the Severnside Sirens System include Portishead, Avonmouth, Shirehampton, Aust, Pilning and Severn Beach (see below for map of the Sirens coverage). On notification of a significant incident, the Severnside Sirens Alert Warning (see below) will be sounded. Only sirens deemed necessary to alert those at risk will be sounded. When the incident is safe and the area clear, the Severnside Sirens All Clear (see below) will be sounded. Remember, if you hear the sirens: GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN The system is tested every 3rd day of each month at 3pm. The audible tests consists of three minutes "Alert Warning", one minute silence, followed by one minute "All Clear". Please Note: The Siren will be tested next on the 3rd of May 2006 at 3pm (1500). The Severnside Siren System is maintained by an independent charitable organisation, the Severnside Sirens Trust. For further information regarding the Severnside Siren System, the Trust can be contacted by phone on 0781 252 8221 (office hours only) or via email: