Hazardous Chemicals and Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) COMAH Sites in Bristol Within and around Bristol there are a number of major accident hazard establishments, mainly situated in the Severnside Industrial Complex, that are subject to COMAH legislation. The Severnside Complex, located to the northwest of Bristol, spans both Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council areas. It occupies a strategic location adjacent to the site of the Second Severn Crossing, the M49, M4 and M5 motorways, and the national rail freight network. COMAH sites on Severnside: Top Tier Sites Albemarle Chemicals UK Ltd: Smoke Lane, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 0YT - produces flame retardant products, biocides and fungicides. (Bristol City Council) Yara UK LTD: St Andrew's Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HU - stores fertiliser. (Bristol City Council) Rhodia UK LTD: PO Box 46, St Andrew's Road, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9YF - manufactures products and intermediates for use in petrochemical, agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. (Bristol City Council) Esso Petroleum Co. LTD: Holesmouth Road, Royal Edward Dock, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9BN - stores petroleum based products. (Bristol City Council) Bristol Oil Storage LTD: Holesmouth Road, Royal Edward Dock, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9BE - stores petroleum based products. (Bristol City Council) AstraZeneca UK LTD: Avlon Works, Severn Road, Hallen, Bristol, BS10 7ZE - manufactures Active Pharmacentical ingredients, stores flammable and toxic substances. (S. Gloucestershire Council) Babcock Infrastructure Services: Hallen PSD, Ison Hill, Hallen, Bristol BS10 7SG - stores aviation fuel (S. Gloucestershire Council) Terra Nitrogen (UK) LTD: Severnside Fertiliser Works, Severn Road, Hallen, Bristol BS10 7SJ - manufacture and storage of ammonia and ammonium nitrate (S. Gloucestershire Council) Transco LNG Storage: Avonmouth, LNG Facility, Severn Road, Hallen, Bristol BS10 7SQ - store LNG (S. Gloucestershire Council) Sevalco Limited: Severn Road, Chittening Bristol BS11 0YU - Carbon Black manufacturing (Bristol City Council) Lower Tier Sites Chemical Recoveries LTD: Avonmouth Works, Smoke Lane, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 0YA - stores and treats waste solvents, oils and water. (Bristol City Council) J & H Bunn LTD: c/o Terra Nitrogen (UK) LTD: Severnside Fertiliser Works, Severn Road, Hallen, Bristol BS10 7SJ - receiving, storage, mixing of ammonium nitrate based fertilisers (S. Gloucestershire Council) Other COMAH sites situated in Bristol (Lower tier only) Transco: Operational Depot, Eastgate Road, Eastville, Bristol BS5 6XX - stores natural gas under pressure to cope with the peak demands for gas.