Self-Ridges sale marketing campaign
- To de-ironise the slogans
- To double context quotes using addition and subtraction
- To encourage relection
Background reading/links:
- Flexible measuring tape
- Concepts
- Arial black
- A3 paper, A5 for flyers
- Double-sided sticky tape
To measure actual adverts.To print modifications to slogans and attatch. Produce flyers for internal distribution.Stickers. Super_string art
- Tuesday 13th January 2004 - produced measurement documents
- Problem - during 1st minute of measurment security guard appeared
- This may mean modifications are too risky and have little reward
- Complete CCTV coverage
- We were photographed by someone in uniform from another building
- Maybe only do flyers for distribution
- Posters for attatching to lamposts and fences