Carbon Hated

Who is to blame for the current crises upon us?

How do we take action if the terms of our debate are being co-opted by Capital?

Who will make the profit and who will make the loss?

>Background research to Carbon Hated


>Take the Carbon Analysis Footprint Matrix

>Download: "Climate Change: Business as Usual" video remix of UK Goverments CO2 Campaign for individual austerity vs Will Barnes fantastic (poetic but intense) text "Climate Change and Capital"

Download posters

Offset Capitalism not Carbon | Climate Change: A Taxing Situation

Offset Carbon: Save Yourself | Climate Change: Business as Usual

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A4 updated Sticker Pack

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>Latest Documentation

108 9068 (1632x1232 0.340u) 108 9068 (1632x1232 0.340u).

108 9073 (1632x1232 
) 108 9073 (1632x1232 ).

108 9074 (1632x1232 0.330u) 108 9074 (1632x1232 0.330u).

108 9075 (1632x1232 
) 108 9075 (1632x1232 ).

108 9077 (1632x1232 0.340u) 108 9077 (1632x1232 0.340u).

108 9078 (1232x1632 
) 108 9078 (1232x1632 ).

108 9079 (1632x1232 
) 108 9079 (1632x1232 ).

108 9081 (1632x1232 
) 108 9081 (1632x1232 ).

108 9082 (1632x1232 
) 108 9082 (1632x1232 ).

108 9083 (1632x1232 0.340u) 108 9083 (1632x1232 0.340u).

108 9086 (1632x1232 
) 108 9086 (1632x1232 ).

108 9087 (1232x1632 0.360u) 108 9087 (1232x1632 0.360u).

108 9088 (1632x1232 0.350u) 108 9088 (1632x1232 0.350u).

108 9089 (1632x1232 
) 108 9089 (1632x1232 ).

108 9090 (1632x1232 0.330u) 108 9090 (1632x1232 0.330u).

108 9091 (1632x1232 
) 108 9091 (1632x1232 ).

108 9092 (1632x1232 0.380u) 108 9092 (1632x1232 0.380u).

108 9093 (1632x1232 
) 108 9093 (1632x1232 ).

Useful links

Background research to Carbon-haters
Take the Carbon Analysis Footprint Matrix